beyond ArtLess
“Beyond ArtLess" with Chris Gleason, Peter Haberman & Phil Ostrander is a podcast that explores the friendships and the community that exists in and outside of the arts and arts education. In each episode of Beyond ArtLess, one of the hosts reveals his mystery guest to the other two. What comes next is a fun-filled conversation revealing the joy of friendship and the artlessness of the hosts. Unlike most successful classrooms, this show is not well planned and probably not worth your time.
beyond ArtLess
Eric Songer
We are now equal to the Star Wars Saga! (Well only in the number of episodes....) This week we welcome Schmitt Music's 2023 Educator of the Year, Eric Songer! Eric shares with us stories about a fire diving con man, coaching kindergarten and 1st graders in bowling, teaching modern band, "Rocket" magazine, limited memory capacity, joining Chicago, the School of Rock's influence, 17 hour work days, curling, the Valleyfair hole, RBIs, flute proficiency, kidney stones, Eric's new book, and a lot of talk about the 80s.
To learn more about Eric and his amazing teaching check out his website: https://songerstudio.wordpress.com/ or follow him on Twitter @ericsonger
Many thanks to the following recordings used in this episode:
Girls Just Want to Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
E.T. the Extra-terrestial Soundgrack - John Williams
Tusk by Fleetwood Mac performed by USC Marching Band
School of Rock Movie starring Jack Black, Paramount Pictures 2003
El Siquisiri by Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlan
Material Girl by Madonna
Crazy for You by Madonna
Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis arr. Vinson