beyond ArtLess
“Beyond ArtLess" with Chris Gleason, Peter Haberman & Phil Ostrander is a podcast that explores the friendships and the community that exists in and outside of the arts and arts education. In each episode of Beyond ArtLess, one of the hosts reveals his mystery guest to the other two. What comes next is a fun-filled conversation revealing the joy of friendship and the artlessness of the hosts. Unlike most successful classrooms, this show is not well planned and probably not worth your time.
beyond ArtLess
LIVE from the 2023 BTN Festival & Aleah Vincent
Short and sweet episode! Actually, the only thing sweet is our guest, UWEC music education major and expert button pusher, Aleah Vincent. Enjoy a quick glimpse into this year's festival. Many thanks to the volunteers, staff, clinicians, teachers, and nearly 4,000 students who attended! Registration for the 2024 BTN Festival takes place this Thursday, June 1st at 8:00 PM (CDT) on the Beyond The Notes Website. Hope you can join us!
PS - YES...those ARE Beyond ArtLess tshirts! It says, "45 minutes you'll never get back". Might sell them online at some point. They are great for waxing your car. 😜