beyond ArtLess
“Beyond ArtLess" with Chris Gleason, Peter Haberman & Phil Ostrander is a podcast that explores the friendships and the community that exists in and outside of the arts and arts education. In each episode of Beyond ArtLess, one of the hosts reveals his mystery guest to the other two. What comes next is a fun-filled conversation revealing the joy of friendship and the artlessness of the hosts. Unlike most successful classrooms, this show is not well planned and probably not worth your time.
beyond ArtLess
Art Ostrander
Finally. A guest that delivers some honest and thoughtful feedback about improving the podcast. One would think that our hosts would be able to operate a stopwatch, but apparently not. This operates under the assumption that our hosts are interested in making improvements. Or intelligent enough to make improvements to the podcast.
What exactly does improvement mean?
Well, our guest this week has made lives of countless music teachers and students lives better as dean of the Ithaca College School of Music for 22 years. The fee this guest imposed was quite steep, but we managed to talk him down by promising him grandchild time. Actually, I think we agreed that he paid ten years of Phil’s college tuition to be on the podcast.
Art Ostrander (Phil’s Dad) attended Don Larsen’s world series perfect game on his birthday on October 8, 1956! He had some pretty fun stories about Limerick, Ireland, too.
Most important, this guest is Phil’s hero.
Bill Bell & His Tuba Recording
Bach Mass In B Minor Recording
Holiday Road - Lindsey Buckingham Recording