beyond ArtLess
“Beyond ArtLess" with Chris Gleason, Peter Haberman & Phil Ostrander is a podcast that explores the friendships and the community that exists in and outside of the arts and arts education. In each episode of Beyond ArtLess, one of the hosts reveals his mystery guest to the other two. What comes next is a fun-filled conversation revealing the joy of friendship and the artlessness of the hosts. Unlike most successful classrooms, this show is not well planned and probably not worth your time.
beyond ArtLess
Buddy Deshler
This man is Non-Stop! The podcast continues this week by exploring the stories and journey of an extraordinary individual in the world of arts and music - Buddy Deshler. A former Dallas Brass musician, Professor at Furman University, and all-around crazy trumpeter. We dive into Buddy’s early experiences with music, his time with the Dallas Brass, his non-profit “Brass Institutes of America”, and some of those memorable experiences one has when they have toured the world as a performing musician (both good and bad). How can someone so young have so many high profile plates spinning as an educator, performer, and entrepreneur at the same time? Because he is NON-STOP!
Learn More About Buddy!
- https://www.furman.edu/people/buddy-deshler/
- https://www.brass-usa.com/buddydeshler
- Artists - Buddy Deshler
Show Clips:
- Jack Black & Will Ferrell sing "Get Off the Stage" Oscars Acceptance Speech PSA
- Overture 'Egmont', op.84, Georg Solti; CSO - Beethoven
- Dallas Brass II - "My Spirit Be Joyful" - Bach. Get It Here!
- Want to find out more about the Beyond The Notes Festival Click here to learn more.
- Registration for ComMission Possible 2025 is now open! Click here to register & learn more.
- Registration for the 2025 Beyond The Notes Festivals will take place Monday, April 22 at 8 PM on the BTN Website.
- Got a question or comment? Submit it here or email us at btnmusicfestival@gmail.com
- NEW - Support the show here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2097721/supporters/new